
In this page you can view some of the various books that I have made. They are all concepted, written, designed, printed, and bound by me. These books use various binding methods and materials. All photos and text not created by me, are credited in colophons.

Tunnel Book
Tunnel Book
Carousel Book

Carousel Book

Official Craigslist Instructional Manual on Dealing With Scammers

Official Craigslist Instructional Manual on Dealing With Scammers

Puzzle Box

Puzzle Box

Clamshell Box w/ Hardcover Book

Clamshell Box w/ Hardcover Book

Clamshell Box w/ Hardcover Book

Boxset w/ 2 Hardcover Books

Boxset w/ 2 Hardcover Books

Boxset w/ 2 Hardcover Books

A Wandering Mind - Accordion Book

A Wandering Mind - Accordion Book

A Wandering Mind - Accordion Book

A Wandering Mind - Accordion Book

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